Schools, colleges and nurseries

If you are a school, nursery or college, there are lots of ways you can raise funds to support us

People who need our help with their mental health are often parents, grandparents and carers - which is why we are developing great relationships with schools and nurseries across West Sussex. As a result, funds have been raised for West Sussex Mind through a mixture of dedicated events and one-off activities.

With so many wonderful things happening inside schools, the fundraising possibilities are endless – and can be stand-alone or linked to the curriculum or PHSE work.

Fundraising activities could include:

  • Cake and bake sales
  • Non-uniform days
  • Sponsored walks
  • Collections at sports days and/or concerts
  • Competitions linked to learning including times tables and spelling bees
  • Donating a percentage of profits from Christmas, Easter or summer fairs.

If you’d like to talk to one of our team about how we can support your events, or if you’d like us to lead an awareness-raising sessions in your school, please email us at We'd be delighted to hear from you.

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