We have been continually updating and expanding the ways in which we can support people with their mental health due to the Government advice regarding Coranavirus. And we are pleased to say we are now offering online video groups to people in place of our usual in-person groups and drop-ins. We are now offering:
- online video groups, for example, social opportunities, quizzes, advice on coping with isolation, mindful breathing. Each area is developing a programme and offering something slightly different so do check this page and your area page regularly for updates.
- phone support
- one-to-one video call sessions.
Anyone struggling with their mental health:
- can email us to let us know you would like to talk. Please include your phone number in your email and we can call you back. We want you to email us rather than phone but if you really cannot email, you can still call us on the numbers below.
When we speak, you can tell us what is happening and we will listen. We can also offer advice and information and direct you to other sources of support. If we agree you could benefit from some regular support from us, we can develop a well-being/support plan with you. This could include one-to-one video sessions with a mental health worker online on Zoom and the chance to join one of our Zoom video groups.
People who we are already in contact with and supporting:
- can email us for advice and information. Again, we much prefer you to email rather than phone. Email addresses and numbers remain the same and are below
- will be offered booked phone support appointments to review well-being/support plan and discuss any issues
- Group video sessions on Zoom. Many of these will reflect your usual groups - women's group, peer-led men's group, choir, quiz etc - so will be with familiar, friendly faces
- where people are more at risk or isolated, particularly people who are self-isolating and live alone, we will keep in touch with you by phone and email to make sure you are safe and have what you need.
If you do phone us - please note
We now have most of our staff working from home which means we may have only one duty person answering the phone. You may not hear the phone ringing at our end because it is on divert but please be reassured the call will go through. If you ring us, we will need to have a quick conversation to take your details. Then the duty member of staff will get someone who has time to talk to you to ring you back as soon as they can.