Lego robot helps us talk to school children about mental health

April 2021

A friendly Lego robot has been designed by one of our champions to support school pupils with their mental health

Stephen, who gets support with us, is an avid Lego fan and he wanted to make an accessible and informative character to enable young people to think about mental health and to find the support and the ability to challenge stigma.

The robot, RU OK x3, is designed to prompt conversations and offer help and ideas for self-care. We hope to tour it around local schools with our champions, who are all people who have lived experience of mental health problems and are passionate about challenging stigma around it.

There is also the chance that LegoBuilders will build 10 free RU OKx3 robots if they get 10,000 signatures supporting the idea. If you follow the Lego link it takes two minutes LEGO IDEAS - RU-OKx3 Alternatively, we are happy to receive donations in new or used Lego or Lego vouchers.

Stephen, who says he finds using Lego a relaxing and mindful activity, was talking with West Sussex Mind’s Louisa Hernandez who had been working with children around mental health. Together they came up with RU OK x3.

Louisa said: “The x3 is an important reminder that when we ask people if they are okay the first few times we might get a ‘I’m fine, I’m okay’ but for some people this may not be the case and the extra question will help people feel confident to talk about their feelings.”

“Our work with children helps set the tone of how they respond to tough situations, how they feel confident in asking for help and sharing their worries and sometimes a friendly robot might just be the help they need to get started.”

For more information, please contact

Stephen, in supporter's T-shirt uses lego

Stephen works on creating the Lego robot

West Sussex Mind’s anti-stigma and awareness work, such as taking RU OK x3 robot to schools to get children talking about mental health, relies totally on fundraising and donations. If you are able to, please make a donation today. Thank you