The self-harm learning network is back for 2025-26. The network aims to improve the skills and knowledge of people working in school-age educational settings, other professionals, and parents, families and carers.
The network, which is part of the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care System's suicide prevention work, aims to prevent and respond to children and young people who are self-harming, including within the context of changes brought about by the pandemic.
Webinars for professionals
West Sussex Mind will be delivering a series of FREE self-harm webinars for professionals and volunteers who support children and young people who self-harm. These webinars are continuing from the previous self-harm learning networks.
Whether you're a professional or volunteer who supports a young person who self-harms, this one-hour webinar is perfect for you. The aim of the webinar is to increase your confidence and reduce fear when it comes to the topic of self-harm, especially when working with children and young adults. We cover the basics of self-harm, what it means and who it affects. We also provide valuable strategies and resources to support those who self-harm and the people around them.
There are 18 dates to choose from. Please book your space through the link below.