Training terms and conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully and make sure you understand them.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully and make sure you understand them. They set out the obligations (the 'terms') between yourself and West Sussex Mind/National Mind ('we', 'us', or 'our') relating to the provision of any event/training that we organise (the 'event'). The terms explain what happens once you have placed a training course/event order, how to make payment, how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. The terms are only available in English. We suggest you retain a copy of these terms for your reference.

1. Contact

If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address you provided to us at the time you made your enquiry/booking. Please contact us via and we will respond as soon as possible.

2. Our contract with you

Any description, advertisement, documentation issued by us and any description contained on the West Sussex Mind/National Mind website or any catalogues relating to the event are issued and published for the sole purpose of giving you a general idea of the event, its content and objectives. Subject to any obvious error, the description of the event will be as quoted on the website and through email at the date your booking is made.

3. Charges

Subject to any obvious error, the price will be as quoted on the website and through email at the date your booking is made.

All payments under these terms shall be in UK pounds sterling. These are inclusive. We do not charge VAT.

Upon submitting a booking for a training course/event, whether online, in writing or by telephone, you will be given confirmation of our acceptance of your order (a 'booking confirmation') whether verbally, in writing or both.

A booking confirmation form brings into existence a legally binding contract based on these terms between you and us.

4. Payment Terms

An invoice for payment of the appropriate fees shall be sent to the email address you provide at the time of booking, payable within 30 days. If a purchase order number is required please confirm this when booking. If we are arranging the venue the cost of this will be added to the invoice amount.

5. Cancellation

Up to 4 weeks before course date – we are happy to reschedule the event to a mutually agreeable date. We are unable to offer refunds, but we may be able to offer an alternative date for individual tickets.

If we cancel an event

Wherever possible, we will contact you in advance to tell you we will be cancelling an event, unless an emergency requires us to cancel the event on the day. For single ticket events, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone events if there are insufficient delegate numbers to ensure a high-quality training experience or if a trainer is ill.

We will make every effort to deliver the event as agreed, but if we are unable to do so, due to illness for example, we will communicate this as soon as possible and seek to rearrange the event. If we are unable to do so, then we will refund the charge.

Where you or other delegates are unable to attend, substitute delegates can be accepted at no cost. Please notify us about this change as soon as possible.

6. Our rights to make changes

Changes to the event. We reserve the right to change venues (within the same location) and substitute trainers and consultants at our discretion. Where we are unable to deliver the service face to face, the parties may mutually agree an alternative digital platform for delivery.

7. Digital training

In advance of digital training, both parties will make best endeavours to ensure that the agreed platform is accessible and capable of delivering/receiving the service to an acceptable standard.

Neither party shall be liable for fault or failure of the agreed platform that may occur during the delivery of the service, should it be deemed outside of their control.

Any materials provided for or during the events will be issued ahead of the training session.

8. Learner Support

We request that workplaces provide us with any relevant details regarding specific learners with additional needs prior to the course. Learners will be identified and recorded on the booking form and the trainer made aware of these and we will do our utmost to meet their needs.

Our courses incorporate a variety of teaching techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles, and we differentiate our approach to ensure inclusivity for all participants.

9. Risk assessment and building induction

We will ask you to supply a copy of your risk assessment for this contract and a copy of your building induction along with a contact name for the trainer on the day, at least one week before the event. In addition, we may need to visit the premises or speak to the commissioner.

10. How we will handle your data

We will use the personal information you provide us:

(a) to deliver the event to you
(b) to process your payment for the events
(c) to give you information about any of the services we offer, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us.

Please see West Sussex Mind | Privacy statement

11. Feedback and evaluation

West Sussex Mind seek to ensure that the events and courses we deliver meet the needs of the individual and their organisation. We will ask delegates to provide feedback in the workshop, but to assist us in obtaining this please circulate this link following the training. We find that many more responses are collected if the employer reinforces how important this is. Thank you!

We evaluate all feedback received and agree to share anonymised collated feedback back to your organisation. On occasion we may approach you to ask for evaluation of the long-term impact of the training.

Scan QR code to provide feedback

12. Comments and Complaints:

We hope you will be delighted with the service we provide, but in the unlikely event that something goes wrong, in the first instance please contact us to discuss your concerns as soon as possible.

Our full comments and complaints procedure may be found here:

West Sussex Mind | Making a complaint

13. Safeguarding

With all our training courses, whether virtual or face-to-face, we understand that these topics can be sensitive and seek to reassure delegates that if they find any aspect of the session challenging, they are welcome to take a break. We ask that they check in with us afterwards to ensure they are okay and to provide any necessary support or signposting.

We establish group agreements regarding confidentiality, to ensure a comfortable environment for participants to share their experiences if they choose to do so – and no delegate is under any obligation to share their experience.

We will agree in advance the process that we will follow should a safeguarding concern arise. Please see our website for our Safeguarding policies.

West Sussex Mind | Raising a safeguarding concern

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